Change in DIN (Director Identification Number) in India
Director Identification Number (DIN) is a unique 8-digit number assigned by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) to individuals who wish to become a director of a company in India. If any details related to the DIN change, such as name, address, or other particulars, the director must update the MCA records by filing Form DIR-6.
1. Reasons for DIN Change
✅ Change in Name – Due to marriage, legal name change, etc.
✅ Change in Address – Shift to a new residential address.
✅ Change in Nationality – If the director changes citizenship.
✅ Correction in DIN details – Spelling mistakes, incorrect DOB, etc.
2. Process for Changing DIN Details
Step 1: Gather Required Documents
- For Name Change:
✅ Gazette Notification / Marriage Certificate / Affidavit
✅ PAN (if changed) - For Address Change:
✅ Updated Aadhaar Card / Passport / Electricity Bill / Rent Agreement
✅ Latest Bank Statement (not older than 2 months) - For Nationality Change:
✅ Passport (Old & New)
✅ Government Approval (if required) - For DOB or Other Corrections:
✅ PAN Card / Birth Certificate
Step 2: File Form DIR-6 on MCA Portal
🔹 Attach self-attested supporting documents.
🔹 Get the form digitally signed by a CA, CS, or CMA.
Step 3: Submit the Form & Pay Fees
✅ No government fee is applicable for Form DIR-6.
✅ Submit the form online, and MCA will verify the changes.
Step 4: Approval from MCA
📆 Processing Time: 7-10 working days
📜 After approval, MCA updates the DIN details, and changes reflect in the MCA Master Data.
3. Important Points to Remember
⚡ DIN holders must update any change in details within 30 days of the change.
⚡ Incorrect details may lead to disqualification as a director.
⚡ Annual KYC verification (DIR-3 KYC) is mandatory for all DIN holders.
4. FAQs on DIN Change
❓ Can I change my DIN number?
🚫 No, the DIN number remains the same; only personal details can be updated.
❓ Who can certify Form DIR-6?
✔ A Company Secretary (CS), Chartered Accountant (CA), or Cost Accountant (CMA) must digitally certify the form.
❓ What happens if DIN details are not updated?
⚠️ The director may face penalties, disqualification, or compliance issues with MCA.
5. Summary
Steps to Change DIN Details
✔ Collect supporting documents
✔ File DIR-6 form on MCA portal
✔ Get digital certification from a CA, CS, or CMA